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Saturday, April 7, 2012

Nokia Lumia 900 4G LTE Windows Phone - Nokia 4g mobile phones in india


Nokia Lumia 900 4G LTE Windows Phone - Nokia 4g mobile phones in india

Nokia finally unmasked Lumia 900. Yes, as had been predicted earlier, Lumia 900 is Nokia’s first mobile phone that carries the connectivity of 4G LTE (Long Term Evolution).

Located at the stage the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) 2012 in Las Vegas, USA, Nokia introduced its flagship mobile phone that comes bundled with AT & T is the operator.

In terms of appearance, Lumia 900 has a 4.3 inch wide screen ClearBlack AMOLED display. Offered only two colors, black and cyan are bluish.

Just as ‘brother’ – Lumia 800, 710, and N9 – Lumia 900 is also wrapped with a polycarbonate material that diklam steady grip and elegant when viewed.

From the kitchen side of the runway, this device looks quite promising because embedded with powerful 1.4 GHz processor, 4G LTE connectivity, battery 1830 mAh, 16 GB of internal storage, and 512MB of RAM.

8 megapixel camera-enabled phones that complement the features of the price was not disclosed. Well, this camera is not even mentioned the camera carelessly, because already using a Carl Zeiss 28mm f/2.2 lens on the back and f/2.4 wide-angle to the front.

Not to mention the exact date of these devices will be released to the market. To be sure, in his official statement, the Finnish vendor said that the mobile market in the U.S. will be the first to taste it under the flag carrier AT & T.

The Nokia Lumia 900 is one of two of the first Windows Phones available with 4G LTE speeds. This new smartphone features 4.3 inch display, and 8 megapixel camera. Learn about the Nokia Lumia 900 specifications in this AT&T Mobile Minute.

Note: We do not buy or sell any products. The price is fetch from major online retailer in India. The price of  Nokia Lumia 900   applies to Nagpur, Lucknow, Hyderabad, Patna, Mumbai, Delhi, Mysore, Srinagar, Chennai, Pune, Pondicherry, Thane, Chandigarh, Cochin, Jaipur, Pondicherry, Coimbatore, Surat, Bangalore, Kolkata, Amritsar, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Madurai, Gurgaon, Noida, Trivandrum, Ahmadabad, Trichy. The price of Nokia Lumia 900 may vary in the countries like US, UK, Pakistan, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar.

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